Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Evidence Analysis
Chapter 1. Fundamentals of Evidence AnalysisClick on hot links for sample text pages.
Basic Issues
1.1 Analysis & mindset
1.2 Completeness of research
1.3 Conclusions: hypothesis, theory & proof
1.4 Fact vs. assertion or claim
1.5 Family-history standards
1.6 Levels of confidence
1.7 Objectivity
1.8 Presentism
1.9 Quantity vs. quality
1.10 Technical knowledge
1.11 Truth
Classes of Evidence
1.12 Generic labels
1.13 Legal terminology
1.14 Process map for evidence analysis
1.15 Proof arguments
Problematic Concepts
1.16 Definitive sources
1.17 Direct Sources
1.18 Final conclusions
1.19 Indirect sources
1.20 The name’s the same rule
1.21 Three sources rule
Processed Records (Formats)
1.22 Abstracts vs. extracts
1.23 Databases & indexes
1.24 Duplicate copies
1.25 Duplicate originals (counterparts)
1.26 Image copies
1.27 Record copies (aka clerk’s copies)
1.28 Transcriptions vs. translations
1.29 Transcriptions, edited
Textual Criticism
1.30 Authenticty & credibility
1.31 Certification & certificates
1.32 Content
1.33 Creator’s veracity & skill
1.34 Informant’s purpose & reliability
1.35 Language characteristics
1.36 Material characteristics
1.37 Penmanship
1.38 Record’s custodial history
1.39 Record’s degree of processing
1.40 Record’s timeliness
1.41 Source description