Chapter 12: Publications: Books, CDs, Maps, Leaflets & Videos
Chapter 12: Publications: Books, CDs, Maps, Leaflets & VideosContents
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Basic Records Basic Issues
12.1 Abbreviations in book citations
12.2 Basic citation forms
12.3 Basic format: books & other
12.4 Ibid. references
Citation Parts
12.5 Author, defined
12.6 Author’s role
12.7 Abstractor or transcriber
12.8 Compiler or author
12.9 Translator or transcriber
12.10 Authors, multiple
12.11 Authors, unidentified
12.12 Authors, unknown
12.13 Pages: Citing pages vs. entries
12.14 Pages: Page numbers, missing
12.15 Publication Details, missing
12.16 Publication places, multiple
12.17 Publishers, identification of
12.18 Publishers, multiple
12.19 Publishers, name changes
12.20 Self-published works
12.21 Titles: Citing full vs. shortened
12.22 Titles: Correcting & clarifying
12.23 Titles: Inconsistencies within
12.24 Titles: Italics vs. quotation marks
12.25 Titles: Multiple by same author
12.26 Titles: Punctuation & capitalization
12.27 Titles: Translated
12.28 Titles: Titles within a title
Special Publication Types
12.29 Anthology edition
12.30 Dual credit needed
12.31 Citing author vs. editor, etc.
12.32 Complex punctuation for
12.33 Print editions
12.34 Reprints online
Bibles & sacred texts
12.35 Bible passages, quoted
12.36 Bible versions, identified
12.37 Bibles, family heirlooms
12.38 Other sacred texts
Book chapters, forewords, etc.
12.39 Chapters, when to cite
12.40 Foreword by guest writers
12.41 Preface by book’s author
Broadsides, folders & leaflets
12.42 Authors, identification of
12.43 Broadsides: originals, reprints
12.44 Missing data
12.45 Publication number
Conference & institute papers
12.46 Basic differences
12.47 Consolidated (syllabi)
12.48 Individually distributed
Dictionaries & encyclopedias
12.49 Basic issues
12.50 Biographical works
12.51 Dictionary, standard
12.52 Dictionary, specialized
12.53 Encyclopedia, standard
12.54 Encyclopedia, specialized
12.55 Basic format
12.56 Citing multiple years
12.57 Page numbers missing
12.58 Titles, clarified
12.59 Titles, overlong
12.60 Basic issue
12.61 E-books: Audio
12.62 E-print books
Edited works
12.63 Basic format
12.64 Citing chapter authors
12.65 Citing editor as author
12.66 Citing editor as well as author
12.67 Historic maps
12.68 Topographic maps
Multivolume works
12.69 Basic format
12.70 Date ranges
12.71 Different subtitles
12.72 Ongoing volumes
12.73 Single volume split
12.74 Successive authors or editors
Reprints & revisions
12.75 Basic format
12.76 Citing dates
12.77 Facsimile (image) reproductions
12.78 Reprints: Basic issues
12.79 Reprints: Image editions
12.80 Reprints: Multivolumes bound as one
12.81 Reprints: New editions
12.82 Revised editions
12.83 Revisions, posthumous
Series & occasional works
12.84 Basic issues
12.85 “Archives” of various states
12.86 “Occasional” publications
12.87 With multiple authors
12.88 With named parts
12.89 With titles cited as a courtesy
Videos & audio presentations
12.90 Documentaries, etc.
12.91 Lectures
12.92 Vital records, published
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Print publications
646 Book: basic format
647 Book: chapter
648 Book: edited
649 Book: multivolume set
650 Book: reprint
651 Book: revised edition
652 Leaflet
653 Map
Electronic publications
654 Audio book
655 CD/DVD book (text)
656 Video
657 Website as “book”
Image copies
658 CD/DVD publication
659 Microfilm, FHL-GSU, preservation
660 Microfilm publication
661 Online publication (Google books)