Chapter 9: Local & State Records: Licenses, Registrations, Rolls & Vital Records
Chapter 9: Local & State Records: Licenses, Registrations, Rolls & Vital RecordsContents
QuickCheck Models
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Basic Issues
9.1 Background
9.2 Citing key parties in the record
9.3 Citing local vs. state records
Marriage Licenses, Registrations, Etc.
Basic formats
9.4 Bound volumes
9.5 Loose papers (bonds & licenses)
9.6 Online resources
9.7 Records removed to state archives
9.8 Stray marriage records
Military/Pension Rolls & Registrations
(Militia rolls)
9.9 Local
9.10 Local, moved to state archives
9.11 Military rolls: state level
9.12 Pension rolls: local
9.13 Soldiers’ discharge registers: local
(Veteran, widow & orphan rolls)
9.14 Local
9.15 State
Miscellaneous Rolls & Registrations
9.16 Child labor affidavits & licenses
9.17 Free papers, licenses & registrations
9.18 Jury lists
9.19 Licenses, miscellaneous
9.20 Licenses, moved to state archives
9.21 Marks & brands registrations
9.22 Pauper records or rolls
9.23 Voter rolls
Slavery & Servitude Records
9.24 Background
9.25 Indentureships
9.26 Inventories & other lists
9.27 Manumissions (emancipations)
9.28 Mortgages & sales of servants
9.29 Slave passes for travel
Vital Registrations: Births, Deaths, Etc.
9.30 Background
9.31 Certificates vs. registrations
9.32 City certificates & registrations
9.33 County-level certificates
9.34 County-level registrations
9.35 Delayed & amended birth records
9.36 Divorce records
9.37 Negative-search certificates
9.38 Permits: Burial or transportation
9.39 Published vital records
9.40 Short-form certificates
9.41 State-level certificates
9.42 State-level registers
9.43 Town registers: New England
9.44 Tribal registrations
Vital Registrations: International
9.45 Background
9.46 Birth, marriage, and death registrations
9.47 Canada
9.48 England
9.49 France
9.50 Germany
9.51 Germany
9.52 Ireland
9.53 Israel
9.54 Italy
9.55 Mexico
9.56 Scotland
9.57 Switzerland
9.58 Scandinavia
QuickCheck Models
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Local Records
421 File items
422 Files moved to state archives
423 Registers: Named volume
424 Registers: Numbered volume
425 Vital-records certificate
426 Vital-records register
427 Vital records, amended
428 Vital records, delayed
State-level Records
429 Miscellaneous file
430 Vital-records certificate
431 Vital-records register
432 Vital records, amended