Direct evidence

10 Ways We Build Our Own Brick Walls
We hear it everywhere: “I’ve hit this brick wall!” ... Or worse, “I’ve hit this brick wall. This problem just can’t be solved!” ... Or even worse, “I’ve hit this brick wall. There’s nothing more to be found. So I’ll just make a decision on the basis of what I already have.” Ah, yes. Frustration, hopelessness, and folly.
EE Mon, 12/17/2018 - 11:53
Building a Case
5 December 2014 As historical researchers, our role has much in common with prosecutors in a court case. When we search historical records, we search for information we can use as evidence. ...
EE Fri, 12/05/2014 - 07:00
Proof Argument vs. Proof Summary
19 July 2014 "Proof" is a loaded word. Different fields define it in radically different ways. Some even argue that proof cannot exist in historical research because none of us can say with certainty what happened in the past. All we can do ...
EE Sat, 07/19/2014 - 07:00