Marriage bonds

When Our Love Affair Goes Wrong—Woefully Wrong!
We love those published abstracts, don’t we? Those databases. Those quick, cheap, and easy sources that save us the time spent combing old records or the costs of ordering them. But, as with all love affairs, verify before you trust is a wise idea.
EE Sun, 06/23/2019 - 17:18
Loose Language vs. Word Nerds
8 November 2014 Wits and sages across the ages have admonished us to "Say what you mean and mean what you say." It's a wonderful habit to be in. If we think in this groove, it doesn't mean we're a word-nerd. It means we're careful researchers and writers. When we identify our sources, we do need to ...
EE Sat, 11/08/2014 - 07:00