Working with Frakturs


14 June 2014

German "frakturs"—i.e., illuminated certificates of births, baptisms, and marriages—were originally commissioned by families to commemorate events and were prized as both art and family record. When using an original fraktur, your citation should include the name of the artist, if known, along with other basic data for artifacts.

EE 3.31 provides a variety of models for citing frakturs in private possession or those that have been digitized and are available online.


PHOTO CREDIT: Thomas F. Scheffer, "Geburts- und Tauf-Schein," blank form (Harrisburg, Pa.: Thomas F. Scheffer, n.d.); a downloadable, customizable image available at ( : downloaded 30 May 2014), citing "State Museum of Pennsylvania (63.19.31)."


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