
Citations: How Much Is Enough?
16 January 2015 History researchers frequently ask how much needs to be cited to support an assertion. If, say, we find an assertion in a journal article, a monograph on our topic, a generally reliable website, and a couple of original documents, do we have to cite them all? The answer is easy enough if ...
EE Fri, 01/16/2015 - 07:00
Citing Vital Records
24 April 2014 What are the two unbreakable rules for citing vital records--and why do they matter?
EE Thu, 04/24/2014 - 09:52

Source Analysis 101

30 January 2014 When analyzing sources, the first question we ask ourselves should be: “Is this an original or a derivative?” However, this basic question is just a starting point for our evaluation of reliability. Some material falls clearly into one extreme or the other, but many resources fall somewhere on a sliding scale between those extremes.