Book Editions - When to Cite

I have a question about citing a chapter in EE. We were provided images of the first page of the chapter, the title page (listing copyright date of 2007), and the table of contents page. I know we are supposed to cite what we see. The title page does not say anything about being the second edition. Since I own all of the editions I know that this was the second edition, as it is stated on the cover. Should the edition be included in the footnote or not? I included it, but I'm in the minority.


Submitted byEEon Thu, 03/03/2016 - 22:22

tlwht, I'd be the first to say that over the decades I've published much that I've long-since forgotten, but the 2007 edition of EE really is the first edition. That's why it has no edition statement on the title page. The second edition was published in 2009, the "second edition, revised" came out in 2012, and the third edition came out in 2015. Are you perhaps thinking about the 1997 publication Evidence!—which is a much different book?

Submitted bytlwhton Sat, 03/05/2016 - 13:00

Thanks for clearing that up for me! I had all three books on my table and must have been looking at the wrong one. That's what I get for being in a hurry.