Citation Issues

Citing a personal copy of a letter

My question concerns a citation issue that I run into frequently, but I cannot find any specific guidance in EE or in the Chicago Manual.

While going through historical archives I often come across autograph (original manuscript) copies of letters made by the letter writer. These were (presumably) made at the time the letter was sent and retained as part of the writer's personal records. Many are labeled "Copy" in the writer's hand.

Citing to Hearing Transcript


I am trying to cite to an immigration hearing transcript that was in an Alien Case File obtained via the Freedom of Information Act.

Going off the Third Edition, the closest thing I could find akin to this document would be 3.32. Admittedly, this was an administrative proceeding transcript and not an interview, but the citation I came up with looked like this:

Database with images and references to several images.


I’m trying to create a first reference and then subsequent references for a probate packet of loose papers, imaged on FamilySearch. The papers include the estate inventory, division among heirs, and etc. The widow later remarried and died shortly after and the packet also includes the “Return of Dower.”   

Citing an official in a record

My target, William C Parker, has been playing hard to get for decades. I've nailed down some of his life, but except for a chunk of time in Itawamba, Mississippi, I don't know his birthplace, parents, or death. Knowing where he was at a certain date is helpful. 

Our new, wonderful, friend, the full-text search at FamilySearch found some records that put William in Itawamba in an interesting timeframe. The issue is that William is only on those records as the person who attested that the parties on the deed personally appeared in front of William. 

Citation of loose page, source unknown, but one repository for the original known

I have photocopy of a loose page, handwritten, which I know from the description is from the records of Henry Ritchie who recorded cemetery information in Pictou County in the 1950s. I don't know where I got it from, probably a record searcher in the 1990s. I know that the Pictou Antigonish Regional Library (and other archives) has a copy of the original. I don't want to imply that I have seen the original but would like readers to know how to access it. Here is my attempt:

Photocopy of family tree from Nova Scotia Archives

I have a photocopy of an annotated family tree received years ago from Nova Scotia Archives, probably from them or a record searcher by mail. It consists of 5 pages taped together and laminated, possibly by me! Marked on the back in pencil, MG1 3296 no 6. The Nova Scotia Archives has details here: Click on file list at the bottom for list of files. Here is my attempted citation:

Help with formulation a Birth Source Citation

On FS I found a birth source which takes me to a page that does not show the actual record.  The page provides the details:

Name, Cornelius Carmack; Sex, Male; Father's Name, William Carmack; Father's Sex, Male; Mother's Name, Jane; Mother's Sex, Female; Event Type, Birth; Event Date, 18 Jun 1736; Event Place, Frederick, Maryland, United States

The link is:

Citing to New York State Appellate Division, Records & Briefs


I am sorry to become a perennial nuisance on this forum, but I am having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how to accurately cite Records & Briefs from the New York State Appellate Division, which are contained within a published volume.

Another agency/author question

I'm trying to cite a government publication. On the title pages it states "Compiled Under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior" and then names the compiler.

I realize that we typically cite the agency as the author, but do we also cite the compiler when one is given?


Canadian "Directorate of Movements" collection - Citing the convoy records

I have the EE-book, ed. 3 (revised). I'm trying to decide what "style" of citation to use for the following case. I'm thinking that it lends itself to using something like the QuickCheck Model, Archived Manuscript Records (Series as lead element in Source List). If there is a more appropriate "style", I would appreciate hearing which one is recommended.
