Citation Issues

Imaged court record books

I have reviewed EE4 template 10 and developed these two related citations:

Saline County, Arkansas, untitled court records book, p. 21, road petition, July Term 1837; imaged, “Arkansas Probate Records, 1817-1979,” FamilySearch ( : accessed 31 October 2024) > Saline > County Court records 1836-1848 > image 14 of 172; citing “County courthouses, Arkansas.”

Changed database names

I recently have been verifying my sources in Family Tree Maker. I discovered that the database name has changed. When I did my research originally there were numerous database titles for "Pennsylvania Death Certificates, [years covered]. I have sources with dates ranging from 1906-1963 to 1906-1970 for various people in my tree. Now when I verify the source there is only one date for the database, i.e. "Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1970". Should I change my source entries to reflect this?

Atlas with plot maps, biographies, county histories and images

Hello. I'm trying to create a source citation for a "book/atlas". It contains information relative to Fulton County, Ohio. This information is in the form of plot maps, county historical information, images (not plot maps) and personal histories. I'm thinking I should cite this as a book, but, I could use a little guidance. Below is what I have. There isn't an author, compiler, etc. noted. Any help/ insight greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Title: Historical Atlas of the World Illustrated. Fulton County [Ohio] References

Citing my work creating graphs

I'm creating for myself, and others, network graphs of DNA relationships. I want to include information as to when I downloaded and when I created the graph(s). Those dates are likely close but not always. There are two types: the first is the graph of all the matches, the second is a subgraph that focused on some aspect of the All graph (a particular cluster number or a surname). The graphs may use one or multiple testers as the focal point. The process creates both a PNG graph and an associated CSV file.

So here goes my thoughts:

Tax rolls with online images

I've crafted the following citation for a tax roll in Grayson County, Texas, for J.J. McHale, but I'm not sure whether to include the pagination from the original source (p. 142), and if so, where? I know not to include it in the same layer as the information about the online source.

"Texas, County Tax Rolls, 1837-1910," database and images, FamilySearch ( : accessed 20 Oct 2024), Grayson county > 1894 > images 284-285, J.J. McHale; citing Comptroller's Office, State Archives, Austin.  

Confused by Pension Record Example

I'm looking at the examples of US pension records examples from EE4 12.35 (which is the same as EE3 11.40). The first layer relates to the record in question, which I understand. The second layer in the first three examples is "Case Files of Approved Pension Applications..., 1861-1934", which is the series. My confusion comes with the third layer - "Civil War and Later Pension Files". The fourth later is fine, "Record Group 15: Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs" which is the Record Group and its description, and the final layer is the repository.

U.S. Agricultural schedules

I am working through U.S. agricultural schedules available on Ancestry. I am using Ancestry Library Edition, though, so my links will reflect that.

I have a database: “U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880," but I'm not sure whether I really need to use it in my citation, and if so, how? Lead with the database?