Citing a teachers term report

As I work my way through my piles of papers tracking down where they came from and creating citations I am in a quandary over this one. I have a copy of a "Common School Teachers' Term Report" I received the report from my mother, who copied it in the mid 1980's on a trip to Minnesota. I surmised that it came from the Stearns County History museum. This morning I phoned them to ask if these records came from them and what they were called for my citation. I was asked to send copies so they could look it up. I sent the copies and received the following for my citation:

            "The citation is: Like it says on top of the first page, then: with the Stearns County            Superintendent's records under the jurisdiction of the Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer and at the present time under the care of the Stearns History Museum Archives, St. Cloud, Minnesota"

This what I have come up with:

"Common School Teachers' Term Report," District 177, Stearns County, Minnesota, 1900-1901 school year; Stearns County Superintendent's records, Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer; Stearns History Museum Archives, Saint Cloud

Am I missing anything?

Ann Gilchrest

Submitted byEEon Sat, 06/16/2012 - 13:13


The common pattern for citing manuscript records of this type (reports, letters, journals, etc.) is to cite the author, then the title, then the date. After that, we add the other elements, arranged from smallest to largest--i.e., file, collection, series, repository, location.

Following the pattern for school records at EE 4.17,  EE would rearrange some of your elements to create the following:

Stearns County, Minnesota, School District 177, "Common School Teachers' Term Report" (Academic Year 1900-1901); Stearns County Superintendent's Records; Stearns County Auditor-Treasurer's Records; Stearns History Museum Archives, Saint Cloud.

Submitted byagilchreston Sat, 06/16/2012 - 14:56

In reply to by EE

Thank you how did I miss that section! It makes sense when you when you think about author first.
