Citation Issues

Citing religious records from an archive

I have been researching a nun in my family and have been in email correspondence with an archivist at the Dominican Sisters of Houston. Because she has attached separate documents, I want to cite the documents separately, but I'm not sure precisely how and can't seem to find the appropriate section in EE.

For example, I received an autobiography and am thinking the citation should look something like this:

"Still, Sr. M. Dominic,"; autobiography, MEM-332; Former sisters' personal papers, 1875-2016; Dominican Sisters of Houston, Houston.  


Citing a telephone conversation with a sexton

I am unsure how to properly cite a telephone conversation with a cemetery sexton that I called this morning to obtain the grave location (section, lot, space) for my ancestor.  I'm not sure if I should use a format like an interview with a relative or if there is another way to do this properly.  I'd also like it to mention that the sexton had to look up the information using their older "card catalog" as she could not find the information on their computer.

Here is what I have so far:

Source of the Source



Here is my citation as I currently have it:


“Westminster, London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1935,” database with images, Ancestry (  accessed 17 June 2023) > St George, Hanover Square > 1792-1798, no. 783, marriage of Leonard Gibson and Ann Sweeting, 9 November 1796; citing “City of Westminster Archives Centre; London, England; Westminster Church of England Parish Registers; Reference:  STG/PR/7/8.”


Website for city cemetery: Is the city the Database creator or Website creator?

Dear EE,

I'm looking at the QuickCheck model for "Grave Markers: Images Online," as well as other aspects of EE.  

I'm citing Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Idaho:

Is the City of Boise the creator in the model, with Morris Hill Cemetery as the database?  Or, for this complex website which covers all aspects of the city of Boise, should Morris Hill Cemetery be an element of the City of Boise website (i.e. as a "chapter" in a book):  

"Privately held by" person is now deceased

Dear EE,

A person who owned an original document provided a copy to me.  That person is now deceased.  I don't know who (if anyone) might have inherited her research and files.  In my citation, should I write "privately held by person's_name (now deceased)"?  Seems to me I saw this or something similar in EE.  Would I still include her city and state, and last known year of ownership? (I will also include in my citation that she provided the copy to me.)  Thanks, Jeff

Civil War Pension for Dependent Minors

I have spent the last week or two trying to analyze a 55 page pension file for the minors of a Civil War sailor on the National Archives website. The pension is strictly for the minors - neither the sailor nor the widow applied for a pension. It's a complicated file and has presented me with some questions that I am hoping you can help me with. As I think about putting citations together, I am afraid that it might get quite complicated and don’t even want to attempt one just yet.

1790 Census Citation from FamilySearch

Hi EE,

For online sources, I am attempting to use FamilySearch since they have free access to records. Can I get confirmation that I am thinking about this correctly. I see so many different ways to cite this, I hope I could get some clarification. After reviewing Chapter 6 and reviewing some examples online this is what I have come up with. 



German book that was also part of a series

This way of publishing might be peculiar to Germany. In any event I've never noticed it in the English speaking world.

One of my sources is a two volume publication by Jürgen Ritter entitled Garnison-Kirchenbuch Hannover 1816-1867.

It is also referred to as a "Sonderveröffentlichung", i.e. "special publication", the 28th volume of this sort published by genealogical society, Niedersächsischer Landesverein für Familienkunde. It seems that this society has a series of special publications like this.

Citing multiple entries from Church and Civil Registers

I have upwards of seven Birth and also Baptism registrations; over 20 marriage registrations, and about 16 death and burial registrations, all from either Birmingham Warwickshire UK, or West Bromwich Staffordshire UK.

Each baptism, birth, marriage, death or burial is listed fully in its own footnote.

Is it ok to provide a cover-all reference for the repository where these are held, with a note directing reader back to the footnote?