Citation Issues

A church record head-twister

Hello braintrust!

I would love your thoughts on this conundrum:

I want to source a digital image of a page from an 18th century church register, which is presently stored in a vault in Philadelphia at the Presbyterian Historical Society.  (The church however is in New York and remains active to present day.)  

The page I wish to source is now imaged on (and probably by) Ancestry, in a collection they labeled Presbyterian Church Records, 1701-1970.  This collection includes churches from all over the place, as one might imagine.

WW2 Draft Registration

Me again. Having trouble formulating the source of the source for Ancestry's WW2 Draft Registration (Fourth Registration for New York). Most of the records I am looking at are in Brooklyn, NYC

Let's take for example:

Ancestry gives us as the source: The National Archives at St. Louis; St. Louis, Missouri; Record Group Title: Records of the Selective Service System; Record Group Number: 147

Honorable Discharge

I have two questions related to some privately held military records.

1. I have several records that I inherited related to my father's military service in the USMC. I realize that they are to be cited as a privately held artifact but I am unsure if I have all the pieces in the correct order. Would appreciate your feedback.

“Honorable Discharge from the Armed Forces of the United States” for Private First Class (E-2) [Father's Name], United States Marine Corps, 27 July 1967; privately held by [My Name, Address].

Funeral Programs (Obituaries)

I have funeral programs, (that I call obituaries) and would like to know how to cite them. I looked through the list on EE and could not determine which category they would be in.

One of them I wrote for my daughter's funeral, another one was written by me and my brother for our mother's funeral. The rest I recieved from attending a funeral.

Some were printed by the funeral home listed on the "obituary" or printed from home by a family member, and/or another outside source.

Image through index

A couple of questions on this citation. First, while the book itself has the name "Kirkebok" embossed on the cover, the archive calls it a klokkerbøker [digital name], Kirkebøker [on label], and Klokerbok [on label]. They all are very close when you translate, it's church book or the watch book. I used the name embossed on the cover and don't reference the other names directly.

Confused about census digital page numbers

When citing a census record that is online, such as, are we recording the page or sheet number from the image itself in the reference, or are we recording the digital page that your getting it from? On page 237 on the quickcheck, the example given says p.290(stamped) but the example is a census record taken from a digital source. The census I'm looking at has a penned number next to a stamped letter, (4B) but a digital page of 8. I've been confused about this. 

Local Archive but record obtained by a 3rd party

I have found a pretty important record that gives evidence to my hypothosis of the mother of my 3rd great grandfather.  All his adult records have him carrying his paternal last name "Gonzalez", but I suspected he was born illegitimately.  I found a census record that has him listed as a child, group together with a woman that has his mother's name, and also grouped with 2 children I was aware of, that carry her first husband's last name.  In the record, he has his mother's last name "Botello".