Citation Issues

Colonial Census at State Archive

Dealing in colonial Rhode Island records has its challenges. The RI state archives has digitized the 1774 Colonial census and put it online. With no clear model available, I built on the New England Town record model we discussed last month. The RI archive lists two series identifiers- one (I assume) for the original book and another for the “digital work”. Their website given citation for the census refers only to the “digital work”.

EE fourth edition

Dear EE,

I just received my copy of EE, fourth edition.  I really like ch. 3's idea of the Building Blocks and the 14 basic templates.  Since I'm doing a genealogy "do-over" I plan to construct those templates in RootsMagic.  Up until now, I'd been using the original first edition.

A couple of nits that aren't clear to me.

- Template 13 for online census images shows the citation note beginning "U.S. 1850 census ..."  whereas ch. 7, such as 7.21 uses "1850 U.S. census ..."  

PDF scan of a privately held diary, original unpaginated & entries not in chronological order

I'm working with a PDF scan of a 19th c. diary, privately held. The diarist did not use the ledger pages consecutively and the scan may not have been done in order either--it's hard to tell. At times it seems to run backwards; other entries seem randomly placed. I have created a key for my own use, so I can find things, but don't know how to cite it.

Dealing with FS's catalog and collection changes with regard to old source citations

A post to the Transitional Genealogists list at states that FamilySearch is creating a new catalog; that the existing catalog was “frozen” in September 2022; and that, while work is in progress, their adding more images to the new DGS catalog system is causing problems.

Citing Ireland deeds from FamilySearch digital microfilm

Dear EE,

I'm learning EE using 3rd Ed Revised, it's going well but source citations with FamilySearch digitized microfilms seem to be tricky, can you look at this previous citation I have that I'm trying to change to EE and see if I'm doing it right?

I believe you would consider this unpublished works, more of GSU preservation film.  It is digitized microfilm of Ireland's Register of Deeds in Dublin, there is no database, it is browsable images.

USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection

Hello again! I've been working on a citation to a map I found at the USGS Historical Topographic Map Collection online and referred to EE 12.67 & 12.68 for guidance. I'm feeling more confident with citations in general but am not quite sure on this one. I followed the URL for the map back to the homepage at and the bottom of that page reads
"U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Supported by the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program"

Court case files/packages

Hi Elizabeth,

I ordered a circuit court case file from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives and received an image copy of the original loose documents. The case is regarding the sale of the land of HK Myers deceased by his widow, Elizabeth Myers, and his infant heirs by their guardian, WA Brann.

I reviewed chapter 8 of E.E. and searched your website for other "loose paper" posts but am not feeling confident about my citation.

The archivist who emailed me the images gave this citation: