Citation Issues

Revisiting WVCulture/vrr images and their link to FHL films

So a couple years ago, a bit of this was covered in the following topic:


Now that I’m working on a few entries (new found biological relations are heavily from West Virginia) I have a few questions.


Private artifact vital record

I think one of my biggest obstacles to citing all my sources is that I've been stuck on how to properly cite the records about myself and my direct family, so it felt like I couldn't really document my pedigree until I skipped to at least my grandparents, where I can find some "normal" records to cite. I'm specifically thinking of the marriage license & certificate that I possess for my own wedding, as well as the birth certificates for my children (attached image).

Question about citing databases with images...using "entry" vs. "image" vs. other words

Thanks to the explosion of digitalization of records, I have many citations that are found through "database with images" collections. I know that one option, when the digital image is an exact copy of the original, is to lead the citation emphasizing the original document as layer 1 and then the database in which it was viewed as layer 2.

Citing a Copy of Certificate of Birth from another state

Many of my family members have vital records in the town of Enfield, Connecticut. Often the event occurred in Springfield, Massachusetts because the nearest hospital was located there. A record copy was provided to the town of Enfield where the families lived, and where I’ve gathered all my information. They state: COPY OF CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH using the certificate template provided to the town of Springfield.

Layered citation for Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records on American Ancestors

I am new to creating source citations.  I'm using RootsMagic 7's Master Sources and Source Details templates.  

I  will have many citations from NEHGS's Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Records database with images on American Ancestors.  Before I move forward with citing the many records I will eventually find in this database I would like to know if I am on the right track with the citations below I have created for my grandfather's record.

The record URL is:

Sequencing record group, sub group, and individual record

I have a question when creating a citation for a record from a deed book that is part of a larger record group from FamilySearch then from courthouse records. I am critiquing a citations for my ProGen class and wanted a clearer understanding of how to list a record from a larger group to a subgroup to the specific item. I was rereading your book on pages 557-558. I think I been doing it backwards.