Citation Issues

Format for multiple citations in one note


Say I have 10 or more land entries mentioned in the main text, but none are specifically discussed. Including these in the Source List is not a problem; but, I also want them included in my End Notes since the details of each would otherwise be lost or at least not included (and I do want them included).

Does this mean I would include the full citations for all 10 land entries in one (rather large) End Note? If so, what form would this take; begin each entry as a separate paragraph within the note?

If this is not recommended, then may I have your suggestions?

Church closed; location of record books unknown

I have a photocopy of a page from a baptismal register of a church that has recently closed.  The photocopy was given to me by the church office staff when I visited the church several years ago.  When I learned that the church had closed, I tried to track down what had happened to the original record books.  They are not at the church's branch location or at its denominational office; I was told that they were given to a nearby library with a large genealogical collection for the local area.

Rendering italics in an ASCII posting

Dear Editor,

In a positing entitled "How to use source information given by Ancestry?" you mentioned an approach for rendering italics in programs like Ancestry or FamilySearch that restrict us to using ASCII characters only. I've unsuccessfully searched previous posts to see if I could find the answer to the following question.

Revolutionary War records

Hi, I have several Revolutionary War documents I need to cite from the Pennsylvania Archives. I based what I have on the Quick Check model on page 429; could you please review this and let me know your input?

Source List:

Pennsylvania. Westmoreland County. Records of the Office of the Comptroller General. Record Group 4; Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg.

End Note:

Newspaper obituary source as original or derivative

Sigh.  I've been going through my tree and rewriting citations and reevaluting sources for the last year and a half.  The more citations I write, the more questions I ask myself.  I'm chasing rabbits through their warrens. 

With regard to newspaper obituaries obtained from digital images of the newspapers online (like Google Newspaper Archive, or, I have really begun to question my original grasp of source and information evalution.  So, here goes...

County Indenture (land) record

I have an indenture (early form of a deed) from a County archive and I'm not sure how to cite it. I need both the Source List entry and the first Reference Note. I have the following information:

Delaware Public Archives, Sussex County, Record Group 4555.031.

Deed Book I, page 47.

Title of record is (say): "First Party to Second Party"

It's a digital image of a penned document;

Transaction took place 7 Feb 1754 and was recorded on the same date.

Digitized FamilySearch microfilm not yet in a database

I have a question on citing the microfilm rolls that FamilySearch have been digitized, and you can access from the catalog, but they have not yet added waypoints or created a database for the content. This is the case with the Utah Supplemental Census Schedules, FHL microfilm 4,136,592. 

I want to cite more than the microfilm nubmer, because I viewed it online at FamilySearch, and I want to add the image numbers and URL.

How is this for a draft citation?

Privately held digital images


I have a project where I need to include digital images of the original records. I therefore have to find out how to include the file name in the citation.

Let's say I went to Statsarkivet in Oslo, Norway, and made a paper copy of the record cited in EE, 2nd edition, page 364, scanned that copy to make in into a digital image named "Otto Pedersen 1855 vaccination.jpg", which I then finally sent to my client along with other images and my report. Would the following citation then be correct?