Negative Findings

2 February 2014 When you conduct a block of research—whether it’s for yourself, a client, or an academic paper—how do you handle negative findings? Do you simply state “A search of XYZ turned up nothing?” Or do you record, in detail, the parameters used for your search? . . .

Free E-books of a Legal Nature

31 January 2014 No historical researcher can live without legal reference works. What were the laws that affected the creation of this document we just found? What were the laws that affect our interpretation of this document? Did the creation of this document trigger another legal action that will tell us more about our subject? &c &c &c. . . .
Source Analysis 101
30 January 2014 When analyzing sources, the first question we ask ourselves should be: “Is this an original or a derivative?” However, this basic question is just a starting point for our evaluation of reliability. Some material falls clearly into one extreme or the other, but many resources fall somewhere on a sliding scale between those extremes.
EE Thu, 01/30/2014 - 07:00