Citation Question


I am currently working on my ICAPGen Accredidation paper and I have hit a sang. I am using Evidence Explained for my citation style on this four generation paper, but I cannot find how to correctly cite three specific documents:

  • Utah Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1850-1890 from the website
  • Transcription of a unpublished history of a pioneer from the Weber County Daughters of the Utah Pioneers
  • Transcription of a unpublished diary of a pioneer from the Weber County Daughters of the Utah Pioneers

Please let me know what you recommend I do to cite these documents correctly as per the Evidence Explained book?

Thank You Kindly



Submitted byEEon Sun, 10/09/2016 - 18:43


Bullet one:

You are citing a database at a website that has multiple offerings. If you have EE's 3d edition,  you'll find the basic format on the second page of the QuickStart Guide, under "Website with Multiple Offerings." In any of the editions, EE 2.32-2.35 explain the pattern in detail.

Bullets two and three:

How you would cite these transcripts of an unpublished manuscript depends upon where/how you acccessed them. Did you use the physical copy at a library or archive? Or did you access them online?

If you have an electronic edition of EE, then run a search for "transcription" and "transcripts" and you'll turn up options for different types of media. If you're using a hard copy of EE, turn to the index and look up "transcriptions" and "transcripts." Among the variety of entries there, you should find one that fits your material.