Headstone Citation


I am seeking advice on how to cite a headstone in a cemetery. I saw it myself and took the photo myself. I do not need to cite Find A Grave or an online database. I simply need to cite the headstone itself. Thank you!

Submitted byEEon Thu, 11/21/2019 - 19:37

DebraK, have you had the opportunity yet to study EE's chapter 5? That entire chapter is devoted to different types of cemetery records and the issues we face in using them. Basic citations do differ, depending upon the type of cemetery, because there are differences in the essential data that we need to capture. For example

  • Grave markers: churchyard: EE 5.12
  • Grave markers: rural: EE 5.13
  • Grave markers: rural, GPS: EE 5.14
  • Grave markers: urban: 5.15
  • Images: markers & plaques: 5.16