Regarding the some times seen copyright in the footer of a report or paper, can you please elaborate on when and how that should be used?
Example: Tom Jones' Mastering Genealogical Proof, Appendix A, p 103, "© Thomas W. Jones, Ph.D., CG, CGL,...."
Thank you.
Wendy, Jones's appendix A is…
Wendy, Jones's appendix A is a replication of an article that was published in a peer-reviewed journal. That journal allows authors to hold copyright to their own material (as opposed to some other journals that claim all rights and allow authors none). Every authored article in that journal begins the author's note with that notation "© Name of Author ..."
Among researchers and lecturers, it is also common to place a copyright notice on lecture handouts, syllabus materials, reports, and other types of authored and informally circulated papers.