Clarification of QuickCheck Models for Private Holdings

Dear Editor;

Pages pp. 105–114 of Evidence Explained, 3rd. ed. revised, hold QuickCheck Sheets for Private Holdings. Various components are placed first in the Source List Entries. Is the style of Source List Entry, on a given sheet, the recommended one or are they more for illustration of the different possibilities? For one's own archives, could one always use a Collection-first format, so that it is always clear to the reader that the material resides in the stated person archives/files?

Submitted byEEon Wed, 08/11/2021 - 19:47

History-Hunter, every QuiclCheck Model cannot demonstrate every variant and every option. Each chooses one for illustrative purposes. 

EE does not dictate. EE does not say "This is the only way to handle an issue." That would be unworkable and absurd from the outset in the world of historical records so full of variants.

EE 2.1—the first paragraph of the "Fundamentals of Citation" chapter—states:

Citation is an art, not a science. As budding artists, we learn the principles—from color and form to shape and texture. Once we have mastered the basics, we are free to improvise. Through that improvisation, we capture the uniqueness of each subject or setting. ... Records and artifacts are like all else in the universe: each can be unique in its own way. Therefore, once we have learned the principles of citation, we have both an artistic license and a researcher's responsibility to adapt those principles to fit materials that do not match any standard model.

EE's QuickStart Guide and first two chapters lay out the basic structure of citations and explain the basic principles. EE identifies the elements that need to be captured for each type of record—for identification and for analysis.. EE explains the sequence in which to record those elements for the greatest clarity. EE demonstrates how adaptations can be made when we encounter variants. EE users are then free to make those adaptations as needed.


Submitted byHistory-Hunteron Wed, 08/11/2021 - 23:14

Dear Editor;

In short; the answer is that they are more for illustration of the different possibilities. That's what I wanted to confirm.