State census on


RootsMagic didn't have a ready-made source template for a state-level census (other than microfilm or FHL).  I accessed mine through  So I created a new source template in the likeness of their Federal census one.  Below is what my citation looks like.  Here are my two questions:

1.  with a federal census, everyone cites the NARA T or M publication and that seems to be enough as it is a series known to everyone.  With this state census, do I need to add the repository at the end?  For example:  "citing microfilm series S1371, roll 1; State Library and Archives of Florida, Tallahassee."

2.  there are no pages numbers on these census sheets.  It is image 41 in the database.  However, in my citation I didn't give the name of the Ancestry database (Florida, U.S., State Census, 1867-1945).  I guess I could reference the database, but since the Federal census citations don't, I didn't for the state one.  Can you help me craft a proper citation for this?  Thank you so much!


Footnote: 1945 state census, Alachua County, Florida, Precinct 5, Gainesville, line 32, L.P. Chapell [Liston P. Chappell Jr.]; digital images, ( : accessed 17 August 2022); citing microfilm series S1371, roll 1.

Short footnote: 1945 state census, Alachua Co., FL, Precinct 5, Gainesville, line 32, L.P. Chapell [Liston P. Chappell Jr.].

Bibliography: Florida. Alachua County. 1945 state census. Digital images. : 2022.

Submitted byEEon Wed, 08/17/2022 - 14:31


Yes, indeed, when you cite "microfilm series S1371, roll 1," your readers need to know whose microfilm series you are citing. If you say that your provider, Ancestry, is "citing microfilm series S1371, roll 1," you'd continue on with the rest of the data that Ancestry cites: State Library and Archives of Florida, Tallahassee."

And, of course, your provider's website name would be rendered as Ancestry (without the .com and with italics), as discussed in your other query today.

Submitted byspcchapon Wed, 08/17/2022 - 16:40

Thank you so much!  I love that you are as much of a perfectionist as I am.  You have been so kind with your time and indulging my questions before I have even completed reading your book.  If I may, just one follow-up and then I believe I'll be in a good place from here:

On the state census record mentioned above - there is no page number on the census sheet.  It is image #41 in the Ancestry collection (and the 41st page if you count them from the beginning of the 5th Precinct of Gainesville.  Can I simply use the words "image 41" as I would "p. 41"?  Or to do so, would I need to insert the name of the Ancestry collection (Florida, U.S., State Census, 1867-1945) somewhere in the citation?

Submitted byEEon Thu, 08/18/2022 - 07:45

spcchap, at EE 6.32, 6.40, 6.49, and 6.56, as well as the QuickCheck Model on p. 241 (3d ed. rev.), you'll find examples of citing unpaginated censuses. But note, "image number" is never substituted for "page number" because page numbering is a construct of the original document, while images numbering is a construct within the database.