Citation formats

Citing Courthouse Records vs. Authored Manuscripts: Are We Consistent?
Researcher Michael W. McCormick, in another forum, raised a question about Evidence Explained. The answer was too long to post there. With his permission—and my thanks for raising a helpfully analytical question—I’m using the Q and A here.
EE Mon, 11/12/2018 - 21:09
Citations, Rigmarole & Aha! Moments
In the grand scheme of things, what matters in a source citation? In another forum recently, a researcher shared a bit of frustration. To paraphrase, with a bit of elaboration: ...
EE Mon, 08/17/2015 - 08:27
Good Cooks Do Tinker with Recipes
16 January 2014 Citation templates are so intimidating. Not to mention: demanding. Include a, b, c, d, e. Use italics here and quotation marks there. But don’t put punctuation between ...
EE Wed, 01/15/2014 - 21:20