Citing database

I'm using the 3rd edition, 2015, of EE, and am struggling to figure out how to cite a database: the Geneva Genealogy Society (  I've looked at 1.23 and 2.34.  The database on this website does not have images and as far as I can tell, not being able to read French, the sources of the information are not given.  And I don't know what type of digital file it is.

I think what I'm doing is citing an index entry.

Any help will be appreciated.  Thank you.

Submitted byWibbuson Thu, 05/05/2016 - 07:56

I have been using this database for information about my Swiss ancestors.  It can be searched without a membership with the restriction of allowing 5 "trees" per day.  

An example is my great-grandfather, Adrien Amedee SAUTTER.

Adrien Amédée SAUTTER    
(02.06.1853 à Satigny, Genève, Suisse - 1944)

Propriétaire: Propriétaire-agriculteur au Kansas. 


Daniel SAUTTERFrançois SAUTTERAdrien SAUTTER ∞ (5.11.1879 à Wichita, Sedgwick County, Kansas, Etats-Unis) Suzy ARMOUR-STUARTLouis SAUTTERJenny SAUTTER Charlotte BORDIERLucius LÜTSCHERAntoinette LÜTSCHERLouise THÉREMIN

Membres seulement:
Type d'arbre: Ancêtres - Descendants
Montrer/cacher: Métiers - Dates

Calculateur de relations: comme première personne

Membre SGG le plus proche (8 étapes nécessaires): Jean-Christian de Stoutz - Contacter - Relation.
Ce n'est pas forcément ce membre qui a mené les recherches généalogiques sur Adrien Amédée SAUTTER. 

Submitted byEEon Thu, 05/05/2016 - 18:38

Wibbus, the material to which you point us could be cited using the basic form for articles or databases from a website. The QuickCheck Models on pp. 94, 165, and 168 are just three of numerous examples. If you happen to have our QuickSheet for Ancestry, you could also use the model for citing a family tree at that site.