Citing year of ownership for privately owned records

I have certified copies of vital records that I have acquired over the years and am working on re-entering the records with correct citations into a new software program (correcting years of bad habits). A simple citation for my grandfather's birth certificate would be: 

North Dakota Bureau of Vital Statistics, birth certificate no. 12913 (1917), Lineol Joseph Gow; Department of Health and Consolidated Laboratories, Bismarck.

I prefer to include ownership information, especially when these images are uploaded to public family trees. When I initially ordered Lineol's birth certificate in 1990, I lived in California and would have used the following citation:

North Dakota Bureau of Vital Statistics, birth certificate no. 12913 (1917), Lineol Joseph Gow; Department of Health and Consolidated Laboratories, Bismarck; copy privately held by Kristina Gow, [address], San Jose, California.

Since I now live in Alabama, I want to use my current address. Would it be appropriate to include the current year of ownership as I create these citations or should I include a note about when the copies were obtained? For example:

North Dakota Bureau of Vital Statistics, birth certificate no. 12913 (1917), Lineol Joseph Gow; Department of Health and Consolidated Laboratories, Bismarck; copy privately held by Kristina Gow, [address], Lillian, Alabama, 2020.


North Dakota Bureau of Vital Statistics, birth certificate no. 12913 (1917), Lineol Joseph Gow; Department of Health and Consolidated Laboratories, Bismarck; copy privately held by Kristina Gow, [address], Lillian, Alabama. Certificate obtained in 1990.



Submitted byEEon Thu, 04/30/2020 - 18:13

Kristina, you ask:

Would it be appropriate to include the current year of ownership as I create these citations or should I include a note about when the copies were obtained?

Absolutely. See EE 3.25, not only the examples but also the discussion "Citing Year of Ownership." In fact, there are numerous variations on the theme in the sections that follow 3.25.