I am hoping someone here in this forum, can guide me, how to cite this record.
1. Firstly it appears to be a "book" - but a facsimile copy, that is held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
2. The title of the book, is "Collections of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania Vol XLV11" Philadelphia, 1900 (penned). "15" is also noted on the same page.
3. It certainly appears that it is copy transcript? noted as "Copied by K.R.B. 1900" - all records are in the same hand writing. It's not an original record.
4. The cover of the "Book" - shows First Moravian Church Philadelphia, PA. baptisms and marriages. 1. Philadelphia, PA.---church records. 2. Church records----Philadelphia, PA. 3. Moravian---Philadelphia, PA.---church records.
5. On another page, it shows P H 1 M R.
6. I found this record/digital image at Findmypast "Historical Society Of Pennsylvania, Births & Baptisms" plus it contains references for marriages relating to the same family.
The e-cat did not help in anyway:
Help? And thanks in advance for any reply.
Robyn Ritchie
Robyn, in Chapter 12 (…
Robyn, in Chapter 12 "Publications: Books, CDs, Maps, Leaflets & Videos," under "Guidelines & Examples," look for "Series," then "'Archives' of various states 12.85."
Actually, the whole section is relevant, starting with 12.84. There you'll see this:
"Series: Basic Issues: Many agencies have issued special publication series—sometimes annually, sometimes on an occasional basis. Most are rarely easy to cite. As a genre, they have complicated titles, titles within titles, a mixed-bag of publishers, and various subseries within the overall series. Some are commonly known by a series name that may or may not appear on the title page of the volume you use. Sections 12.85–12.86 present a range of examples, grouped by type, from which you can select the model most similar to the source you have used.
Without seeing images of all the title pages and half-title pages, etc., in that particular volume—along with the page of specific interest and the first page of the article or chapter to which it belongs—I can't be more specific; but 12.84 to 12.86 should guide you.
Many thanks EE !
Many thanks EE !