Citation for a Genealogy Society

I am in great need of a proper citation for information gathered from a genealogy society? I have gone through the book from cover to cover and on the web itself for my answer, but nothing. Can someone point me to where I could find this information as I am writing and need this greatly.

Thank you

Submitted byEEon Wed, 12/23/2020 - 19:44

Randall59, the first consideration is What are you citing? 

"Information gathered from a genealogy society" could be all sorts of things—just as "information gathered from a library" or "information gathered from an archive" could be anything. CIting a repository does not mean that the information is reliable; and any citation to a repository has to identify what you are citing and where to find it in that repository. That is why EE's chapters (past the first two chapters on basic principles of analysis and basic principles of citation) are organized by type of record.

So, what exactly are you needing to cite? Identify it by record type, then look up that record type in the book's index and it will guide you to specific examples. If you still can't find that type of record, tell us in this thread so we can help you.