Website for city cemetery: Is the city the Database creator or Website creator?

Dear EE,

I'm looking at the QuickCheck model for "Grave Markers: Images Online," as well as other aspects of EE.  

I'm citing Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Idaho:

Is the City of Boise the creator in the model, with Morris Hill Cemetery as the database?  Or, for this complex website which covers all aspects of the city of Boise, should Morris Hill Cemetery be an element of the City of Boise website (i.e. as a "chapter" in a book):  

I'll use ** to indicate italics:

(1) City of Boise, *Morris Hill Cemetery*, database with images ( : accessed 17 June 2023), search for Addison Lee Ewing.


(2) "Morris Hill Cemetery," database with images, *City of Boise* ( : accessed 17 June 2023), search for Addison Lee Ewing.

{Possibly in (2) replace the URL with the home URL and the path:  ( : accessed 17 June 2023) > Departments > Parks and Recreation > Cemeteries > Morris Hill Cemetery, but I prefer the more direct URL}


Submitted byEEon Mon, 06/19/2023 - 14:52

Jeff, either approach works. Using the exact URL, rather than the root URL plus the path, produces a simpler citation.