I am sorry to become a perennial nuisance on this forum, but I am having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how to accurately cite Records & Briefs from the New York State Appellate Division, which are contained within a published volume.
The volume itself is on Google Books. I am looking to cite to the "Transcript of Proceedings" in the case Tretjakow v. Tkatschew. Specifically, the testimony a plaintiff's witness. It begins on page 778 of the book itself; however, because the book is a compilation of documents previously filed with the Court, it is marked as page "40" in the case documents. Thus, I am not confident which would be appropriate to cite, albeit I lean towards 777 because a reader would have to actually flip through 700+ pages to actually find it in the physical book...
I have attempted to adapt the Third Edition's Rules 8.8 and 12.13 and came up with:
New York State Appellate Division, Records & Briefs, vol. 223 (New York City: Library of New York Law Institute, 1971); digital images, Google Books ( accessed February 5, 2025), 778; Tretjakow v. Tkatschew, 36 AD 2d 905 (1971), for “Transcript of Proceedings, Supreme Court, Queens County, Trial Term, Part II.”
Is this a sufficient citation, or does it need to be modified?
Thanks so much!
SlovakDennis, can you give…
SlovakDennis, can you give an exact URL ... considering that there are at least 5582 volumes that carry this title and that Google Books does not deliver the exact volume even when you query for it?
Once I access the book, there will be other comments.
Hello, Yes, of course. The…
Yes, of course.
The exact url is:
Dennis, are you using and…
Dennis, are you using and citing the full text? If so, can you send a screen shot of that p. 778 you are citing?
Meanwhile, a PDF of the case seems to be downloadable from Thomson Reuter's Casetext at
Hello, When I access the…
Yes, that is part of my problem. Because this book is a compilation of different documents originally filed with the lower Court, they are all numbered individually as originally filed. When I downloaded the PDF, the 778th page of the entire document onward is what I am looking to cite. However, as shown below, it is marked as Page 40 onwards because that is how it was entered into the Court record. Thus, I am not sure how to cite the specific pages (because there are several other documents marked as Page "40" and so on within in this bound volume).
This is specifically the portion of the original document I am looking to cite. Its a transcript of witness testimony:
Thanks, as always!
SlovakDennis, this has been…
SlovakDennis, this has been an interesting challenge!
First, we need to consider that "36 AD 2d 905," which you positioned immediately after the case name and before the date—Tretjakow v. Tkatschew, 36 AD 2d 905 (1971. This is not a case number for that case. It is a shortform legal-style citation for the whole volume itself.
You say you are using EE3, so turn to §13.2 "Citation Style Options: Legal Style & Academic Style." (For users of EE4, it's §14.2.) Read the section "Bluebook Style, Basic Pattern." Under that tripartitle system there are three parts to the citation:
Ergo, Bluebook style for your volume would be
36 • AD [Appellate Division] 2d • 905
With the set you are using, because there is no overall pagination, the Bluebook style citation cites the total number of pages in the volume.
Using the Bluebook style, which is your volume’s common legal citation, if you Google for that "36 AD 2d 905" you'll find that cases are alternatively cited in this format.
______ v ______, 36 AD 2d 905, Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, _____ Department, Apr 1, 1971.
However, you do not have physical access to this volume and (I assume) no access through any of the various legal databases that attorneys now use for old cases—nor do I. Therefore, we are tasked with citing what we have used: the images at Google Books.
You need to cite two things: the book and the website where it is imaged. The basic format for books and websites is this:
(Books that are part of a series)
Author If Identified, Book Title in Italics, vol. no., series ID (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), specific item and/or page.
Author/creator If Needed, Website Title in Italics, descriptor if need (Place of publication = URL : Date of publication or access), specific item or frame.
EE’s citation would be this:
Layer 1:
Records & Briefs: New York State Appellate Division, vol. 223, 36 AD 2nd (New York City: Library of The New York Law Institute, 1971), Tretjakow v Tkatschew: Queens County Clerk's Index No. 3830–1969, page 40 of 73
Layer 2:
imaged, Google Books : accessed February 5, 2025), located using search term "Vladimir I. Tretjakow, Ataman."
Explanatory note:
The 905 pages of this book are not numbered; instead each case is individually paginated. There is no table of contents to locate a particular case; hence the need for a search term.
Records & Briefs: New York State Appellate Division, vol. 223, 36 AD 2nd (New York City: Library of The New York Law Institute, 1971), Tretjakow v Tkatschew: Queens County Clerk's Index No. 3830–1969, page 40 of 73; imaged, Google Books : accessed February 5, 2025), located using search term "Vladimir I. Tretjakow, Ataman.” The 905 pages of this book are not numbered; instead each case is individually paginated. There is no table of contents to locate a particular case; hence the need for a search term.
There are also several issues we need to discuss with regard to your original draft:
New York State Appellate Division, Records & Briefs, vol. 223 (New York City: Library of New York Law Institute, 1971); digital images, Google Books ( accessed February 5, 2025), 778; Tretjakow v. Tkatschew, 36 AD 2d 905 (1971), for “Transcript of Proceedings, Supreme Court, Queens County, Trial Term, Part II.”
The New York State Appellate Division did not author those transcripts. Those words appear on the title page as part of the title, specifically the subtitle.
A book has page numbers. A legal case that is separately published has page numbers. Websites do not have page numbers. They may or may not have frame numbers.
Your third layer cites the case, but that identity of the case belongs in layer 1 where you cite the book. That book, as we’ve established, does not have consecutive page numbers by which items can be found. It has multiple items (multiple cases) that are individually numbered. Therefore, we cite the item and the page number within the item, in the Specific Item Field of the book citation.
The cover page for the case identifies the Queens County case number. EE would include that as part of the case ID.