Will someone please tell me if I have botched this Reference Note citation to a Voter Register for the city of Savannah in 1871? I accessed the information and image on
Savannah, Georgia, City of Savannah Voter Registers, 1856-1896, File: “City of Savannah Voter Registers, 1871,” alphabetically arranged, Vol. A to E (1871), William Dunn, p. D, Number 98, registered in 1871 July 14; digital image, ( : accessed 1 February 2015); Savannah, Georgia: Research Library & Municipal Archives, City of Savannah, Georgia.
I am new to citations but not to genealogy. Like every new researcher, I didn't source my finds.
leflake, let's think through
leflake, let's think through this together. … Citation has two purposes:
Your citation well serves the first purpose. It presents some problems in filling the second need. I’ll describe the process I just went through to refind the record. Then let’s think about how to alter the citation to make that workaround unnecessary.
What I did:
So: How might you tweak the citation to enable someone to find the record in 2 minutes instead of 20? In addition to the thoughts above, two other basic principles apply:
A. Website citations to databases and images involve “layers.” For imaged records, we have three layers. If we choose to lead with the original document, then the three layers would be these:
B. Details from one layer should not be mixed into our details for a different layer.
With these thoughts in mind, how could the citation be improved?
Thank you so much for
Thank you so much for answering my post.
So I did screw up the citation. Well, at least I will learn something
If I just type "William Dunn" into the database, his name does not come up for 1871. I had to pull up the film and look at the actual images.
<How might you tweak the citation to enable someone to find the record in 2 minutes instead of 20?>
Post the actual URL? Like this:
Savannah, Georgia, Voter Records, 1856-1896, ”City of Savannah Voter Registers, 1871”, Vol. A to E, unpaginated leaves for each letter of the alphabet with names entered semi-alphabetically by first letter of the surname, for William Dunn, entry number 98, registered to vote14 July; digital images, (; Voter Records. Savannah, Georgia: Research Library & Municipal Archives
I think I'm hopeless.
Hello, again, leflake,
Hello, again, leflake,
The old cliché says we learn by trial and error. EE would argue that we learn by trial, analysis, and revision. We're only "hopeless" if we don't try.
Going back to the principle of layered citations mentioned in message 2 above (and explained in great detail in EE's QuickLesson 17) ...
Since you prefer to lead with the identity of the original record, Layer 1 needs the basic elements for citing a courthouse or townhall record. EE's "Local & State Records" chapter identifies these in the very first paragraph (EE 8.1) There's also a Voter Rolls example at EE 9.23 that demonstrates that record type explicitly:
When we put all this together, we end up with a citation that looks like the one at 9.23:
Savannah, Georgia, Voter Registrations, 1871, vol. “A to E,” sect. D [unpaginated], entry, 98, “William Dunn.”
Because we accessed this online, this layer needs to identify the website. EE's "Fundamentals of Citation" chapter (Chapter 2, which is a good thing to read before plunging into the rest of the book as opposed to just looking for specific examples and then wondering why it does what it does—although it is human nature to take shortcuts) identifies the basics for citing online material at 2.33. As you can see there, and as mentioned in Message 2 above: (a) citing a website follows the same basic pattern for citing a book; (b) citing a database at a website follows the same basic pattern for citing a chapter in a book:
When we put all this together, we end up with a citation that looks like a jillion online citations in EE:
“Savannah, Georgia, Voter Records, 1856–1896,” database with images, ( : accessed 4 February 2015), option: “City of Savannah Voter Registers, 1871,” image 74.
Here we cite whatever the image provider tells us. In this case: “Research Library & Municipal Archives, City of Savannah, Georgia.”
Now we put the three layers together, with a couple of “bridge” words between layers. I'll color the layers for clarity here:
Savannah, Georgia, Voter Registrations, 1871, vol. “A to E,” sect. D [unpaginated], entry, 98, “William Dunn”; accessed via “Savannah, Georgia, Voter Records, 1856–1896,” database with images, ( : accessed 4 February 2015), option: “City of Savannah Voter Registers, 1871,” image 74; citing "Research Library & Municipal Archives, City of Savannah, Georgia."
Using this citation, anyone could access the record in either of two ways.
The beauty of these "basic elements"is that they work for almost every situation. Making source identification easier really is a matter of learning those basic elements and then stringing them together as needed.
Your statement, "I had to pull up the film and look at the actual images," caught my eye.
It is unlikely that a fellow researcher would have access to the microfilm and not to an subscription. But as you experienced, some researchers might find further investigation of the record set easier on microfilm than online. I wonder if the editor would object to inclusion of a fourth layer to identify the FamilySearch microfilm:
Savannah, Georgia, Voter Registrations, 1871, vol. “A to E,” sect. D [unpaginated], entry, 98, “William Dunn”; FHL microfilm 223,142; accessed via “Savannah, Georgia, Voter Records, 1856–1896,” database with images, accessed 4 February 2015), option: “City of Savannah Voter Registers, 1871,” image 74; citing "Research Library & Municipal Archives, City of Savannah, Georgia."
---Robert Raymond, FamilySearch
Thank you again for answering
Thank you again for answering my post.
I intend on being a faithful reader of your blog.
<"EE's "Local & State Records" chapter identifies these in the very first paragraph (EE 8.1)"> Ok, I will definately study that chapter!
<"There's also a Voter Rolls example at EE 9.23 that demonstrates that record type explicitly."> That's the example I was trying to follow! Don't worry, you haven't failed. It's me. This stuff is as hard as math for me!
Creator of Record! That's the part that I couldn't think of. I could sort of see it in my head but I couldn't figure out how to organize it on paper. Now it makes sense. I also like the label "sect. D"
I am going to print out your instructions, read those chapters you cited and really study this. Thank you so much for your help!