Changing article headlines

I need to cite a newspaper article that starts on page 1 and continues on page 2. What I need to cite is on page 2. However, the headline of the article changes once you get to page 2.

On page 1 the headline reads: "Comb East Coast for U-Boat Pack: Naval Planes, Ships Strike Back as Subs Raise Tanker Toll to Four"

Page 2: "Navy Strikes Back at Subs"

Typically  I would have cited it like this, but given the change of headline, I’m not sure how to approach it.

“Comb East Coast for U-Boat Pack: Naval Planes, Ships Strike Back as Subs Raise Tanker Toll to Four,” Brooklyn (New York) Daily Eagle, 20 January 1942, pp. 1–2, particularly p. 2, col. 5;  image, Newspapers ( : accessed 15 July 2022).

Any suggestions?

Submitted byEEon Sat, 07/30/2022 - 20:30

For certain, there is no end of ways that publishers can confuse us!  You've done well. EE would be tempted to add a commentary to point out the change of title.