EE4 Newspaper Title Formatting Difference

I’m using the print edition of Evidence Explained 4th edition and noticed a formatting difference for newspaper titles:

According to Template 4, Newspaper Article (page 120): “If part of the location is included in the title, we may add the missing locator into the title, using square editorial brackets, without italics for the added word.” (emphasis added)

Natchez [Mississippi] Daily Courier is the example given.

According to 15.10 Place of Publication (page 670):

“Newspapers… Location is required. When a paper’s masthead title omits either the city or state, you should add the missing place name in square editorial brackets within the title, using italics as with the paper’s name. See 15.20.” (emphasis added)

Natchitoches [Louisiana] Courier is one of the examples given in 15.20 (page 680).

Should the missing location information added to the newspaper title be italicized?

Thank you in advance!


Submitted byEEon Sat, 08/24/2024 - 10:01

ORS-EE, the EE in your screen name is for Eagle Eye, right?   That carrry-over from EE3, which created a contradiction, was caught after EE4's print version went to press. It has been corrected in the electronic versions:

Given the limitations of many databases and apps, it is a minor point—which is why the final wording uses "traditionally without ..." and "may not allow" to indicate that flexibility is needed.