Loose document in imaged bound volume

I am having trouble even developing a citation for the loose document located here within a bound volume:


To add, outside of the dates (1829, 1834) and "Day-Book," I cannot make out what else is listed on the book's spine:


I am hoping you can provide some guidance.

Submitted byEEon Thu, 11/14/2024 - 18:27

mbcross, check EE4, §11.7 "Stray Marriage Record." It's an example for a loose document tucked into a courthouse register.

As for the title, you might record it as "Appraisements & Sales [Vol.] C, 1829–1834, Day Book" [heavily damaged subtitle seems to say "Accounts, Administrators, Guardians &c, Inventories & Appraisements"], p. ___.