QuickCheck Models
Click on hotlinks for sample text pages.
Basic Issues
3.1 Archival arrangements
3.2 Archival style guides
3.3 International differences
3.4 Source list entries vs. reference notes
3.5 Unpublished writings
Special Issues
3.6 Archives as lead element
3.7 Author, etc., as lead element
3.8 Collection as lead element
3.9 Document as lead element
3.10 Document no. vs. collection no.
3.11 Exact title vs. generic ID
3.12 Foreign-language titles
Archived Materials: By Type
3.13 Basic format: artifacts
3.14 Basic format: documents
3.15 Bibles & Bible records
3.16 Digital archive records
3.17 Filmed or fiched manuscripts
3.18 Commercial publications
3.19 Preservation copies
3.20 Photographs, portraits & sketches
3.21 Research reports
3.22 Unpublished manuscripts
3.23 Vertical files
Privately Held Materials
3.24 Basic elements
3.25 Basic format: family artifacts
3.26 Bible pages, loose
3.27 Bibles with family data
3.28 Charts & family group sheets
3.29 Diaries, journals & authored manuscripts
3.30 Family records, non-Bible
3.31 Frakturs
3.32 Interview tapes & transcripts
3.33 Jewelry, medals & objets d’art
3.34 Legal documents, unrecorded
3.35 Letters, historic
3.36 Newspaper clippings
3.37 Photographs, portraits & sketches
3.38 Samplers
3.39 School records, heirloom copies
3.40 Scrapbooks & albums
Personal Files & Knowledge
3.41 Correspondence
3.42 E-mail and instant messages
3.43 Personal knowledge
3.44 Research files & reports
3.45 Traditions
QuickCheck Models
Click on hotlinks for sample templates.
93 Artifact
94 Digital archives
95 Manuscript records
96 Document, emphasis on
97 Series, emphasis on
98 Personal Bible
99 Portrait
100 Research report
101 Unpublished narrative
102 Vertical file
Preservation Film
103 FHL-GSU film
104 In-house film
Private Holdings
105 Artifact
106 Diary or journal, etc.
107 Family Bible records
108 Family chart or group sheet
109 Historic letter
110 Interview tape & transcript
111 Legal document, unrecorded
112 Personal correspondence
113 Personal e-mail
114 Research report
115 Tradition, recorded
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