Citation Issues

Citing a map from Bureau of Land Management website

I am in the process of documenting several properties for my ancestor who lived in an area within multiple county boundary changes. I want to include images from the Bureau of Land Management website that shows where the properties are (present-day), but I'm not quite sure how to cite the image. This is my initial thought for the citation:

Stable ARKS, Multiple Images, and Digital Film Numbers, Oh my!

I've been mulling over this citation for a while and am no closer to a resolution. It is time to consult the expert. The source is a record book from the Court of Equity in Newberry District, South Carolina, imaged at FamilySearch. The item of interest is a deed record in Record Book Q2:459–61. It stretches out over three pages and two digital images (and mercifully readable). Here is a link to the source page: As you can see, this page not searchable collection, or really a collection at all -- just a gateway to getting to these records.

Digital film numbers

I've just learned something today and it causes my OCD great consternation. There is a great series of school enumeration records in the 1920's in Oklahoma. They give a listing of every student, along with their date of birth. You can follow a child's progress over the years, as they did the enumeration every year in January. Even better they are all filmed and indexed at FamilySearch so it's a great resource if you are in Oklahoma.

So here are two citations for the 1920 and 1921:

California census locations

My apologies for a rather strange question...

I'm attempting a citation for a 1940 U.S. census of Glendale, California. However; I'm unfamiliar with the way the census area is broken down, so I'm not sure how much location info is actually required. I understand from some of the EE example citations I've seen that some areas, like New York City, require quite a bit of detail.

What I have, in the following trial citation, was taken from the information on the imaged census page. Is it sufficient? 

Source list for layered citations

I would appreciate clarification on appropriate Source List entries for layered citations – at least I assume this scenario should be a layered citation. I am documenting genealogy research. A nearby historical society website has an online index which you can use to search for references in their newspaper collection. This newspaper collection contains papers in print and microfilm formats.  

Citing a typescript copy of a court decree

Editor, I have a doozy for you.  Let me begin by saying that I am trying, without much success, to obtain copies of an original "Judgement and Decree in Partition" from 1888/89 Andrew County, Missouri.  Assuming that I cannot find the original, I will need to cite scanned images of a typescript copy of the decree that I received via email.  Here are the particulars:

Two informants with the same name

I have two informants with the same name. I don't want to mention the actual name so I'll just call them "Otfrid Freiherr Lützel". "Freiherr" is the German word for "baron".

The older of the two is the father of the younger one. I can't refer to them as "Senior" and "Junior" because strictly speaking it's "Otfrid Freiherr Lützel XXV" and "Otfrid Freiherr Lützel XXVII". (I have no idea why there is no "XXVI".)

Neither of the two normally uses the number behind their name. I had to find out the numbers by looking at the family tree of the family.

Canadian Homestead Files

The FHL has the early Saskatchewan and Alberta Homestead files as browsable images of a collection based upon of microfilmed versions of the original file folders and contents. To facilitate ordering an image copy of the individual file contents (if desired) from the provincial archives, I would like to highlight the file identification and not the online FHL collection. That is; I would like to describe the file in a first layer and then where it is viewable online in a second layer.

Could I cite it in the following manner, when referring to the content of the entire file?

Indian Treaty

I need to cite an Indian Treaty in a discussion regarding when land records become available. I'm in the middle of Alabama in 1814 and need to cite Andrew Jackson's huge land grab after the Creek war. Really interesting is that NARA has the actual treaty images online.