Citation Issues

Correct Source List Entry?

In searching for my grandfather, Amandus Diethrich, in Pennsylvania on Ancestry this is how I searched.

I first went to the catalog and proceeded by selecting Search > Catalog then filtered by selecting “Birth, Marriage & Death, Marriage & Divorce, USA, Pennsylvania.”  In the resulting Titles I selected “Pennsylvania, U.S., County Marriage Records, 1845-1963.” Then I entered in the search box, his name then for any event, location I entered Pennsylvania and clicked the Search Button.

Ledger with translated baptism records

One of my sources is derived from the old baptism records of a Lutheran congregation in San Antonio, Texas, which at the time were kept in German. The church office sent me photocopies of a handwritten ledger which contains the information from the original records translated into English.

The ledger pages themselves are not numbered. The header for the first columns of the ledger specifies that this column contains "Page & Line No", referring to the page and entry numbers in the original German records.

Extremely long city directory titles

Hi, EE...  I'm looking at a run of city directories from Reno, Nevada.  The full title of these (and other) directories runs just under 100 words (see the attachment).  I'm leaning toward just using this as the title (assuming all years have the same title and I adjust for the years that I cite):

Polk's Reno City, Washoe County and Carson City Directory [run of years]

Is it necessary to use the entire 100-word title, or am I OK using what I have above?  Thanks for your guidance.


Citation for a digital image provided by MN Historical Society Copy Service

The only access to the microfilm records held at the Minnesota Historical Society Library Hubbs Microfilm Room during the COVID pandemic was through Minnesota People Records Search and a newly created copy service. Review of Evidence Explained 9.30 - 9.35 did not find an example of how to cite a death certificate located and obtained in such a manner. Using the "Online Database Entries" example as a starting place, below is what I have come up with:

Source List Entry

Changing article headlines

I need to cite a newspaper article that starts on page 1 and continues on page 2. What I need to cite is on page 2. However, the headline of the article changes once you get to page 2.

On page 1 the headline reads: "Comb East Coast for U-Boat Pack: Naval Planes, Ships Strike Back as Subs Raise Tanker Toll to Four"

Page 2: "Navy Strikes Back at Subs"

Typically  I would have cited it like this, but given the change of headline, I’m not sure how to approach it.

Author or title when citing a book?

I'm confused, again! I am missing something but I can't see what it is. Looking at the "QuickSheet, Citing Ancestry Databases & Images" for citing "CITY DIRECTORIES; IMAGES" it looks like the title is cited first in both the Source List Entry and the Full Reference Note. Since I am citing a book I checked EE 3rd Edition and all the QuickCheck models in chapter 12 seem to require the author be listed first.

Citing personally created digital images of privately held documents

I'm still new to genealogy, but I really want to get my citations correct. I'm currently working with privately held artifacts pertaining to me and my still living family members, so forgive me if my example is a little sparse as far as real details goes.

I have digitized a number of documents and photos and I want to attach some sort of citation to them, either in the metadata or in a small white space added to the bottom via an image editing program. This way, if I ever choose to share these documents with others, they'll have the citation too.

How do I record source list entries and citations for private holdings of vital records?

I have been going back and forth through the book, the forum and blog posts and I am still a little lost.

I have been confused about how to record source list entries and reference notes for private holdings of vital records in Family Tree Maker. Should I use the Artifact or Vital Records Certificate template? I understand I can layer a citation, but what portions go into the source list entry?

The following is an example of one of the one of the records I am trying to document.

Citation of book excerpt

The book I have is a reprint and is indicated as so on the title page. However, on the reverse of the page states the following: "Excerpted from History of Wallingford, Conn., from its Settlement in 1670 to the Present Time. Meriden, Connecticut, 1870. Reprinted with a new index and guide to families by Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore: 1979."

Citing parish registers not associated with a fixed location

In the Protestant Parish Registers of Quebec, during the 1800's, many churches did not yet have a permanent church building. As a consequence, it is not uncommon to see something like a "Church of England" register for the "Township of Clarendon, Bristol and Litchfield". Within the record, the writer invariably states the exact township of residence for the person or persons of interest.