Citation Issues

Citing Inland Revenue Wills Series, 1812-1857 (Devon, England)

Dear Editor,

I have had the pages of this particular document for over five years now, and I have lately been revisiting prior research to validate certain statements to show with evidence for the same; as well as looking for any "new" sources that I did not consider back then in 2017.

This is the first time I have attempted to cite this particular document.

Citing Information from a Television Program

Sorry... this is a long one. But it shows I've put a lot of thought into this.

I recently viewed an episode of a  PBS television series that had excellent information about the evolution of land ownership. I would like to use this information as context in a report I plan to write and a class I plan to teach. But I'm unsure how to cite a tv program. I've checked EE and online but am not finding what I need. I think because I have a few questions.

Adding the committee

In Norway they have location history books called bygdebok. Some are wonderful, some are not so helpful. Some are by a single author and some have huge teams. Some are self-taught historians from the late 1800's to PhD's in history and genealogy. So it's buyer beware :)

I'm going to use this one from the village of Skedsmo written in 1929. I'm including the title page as to read this you need a Norwegian IP address.

My first cut is 

EE editions

I'm returning to my genealogy after an absence of several years, and it looks like a lot has changed since I last crafted citations.  Before I upgrade to EE, Third Edition, Revised, is there a fourth edition of EE in the works?  Thanks.

Citing “Drouin Collection records © 2022”

Some of the information I am accessing on Généalogie Québec is buried several levels down in a file structure within a portion of their site accessible via a "landing page" and path. It's not accessible by using something like their "LaFrance" database. The complexity of accessing the image makes me wonder how best to cite it, in order to ensure someone else can find it. As I have quite a number of similar instances, may I ask for some feedback on the following proposed citation?

Here is the raw access info:

Copied Parish Registers Viewed on

I have read EE about both FHL preservation films and church record books that have been recopied. Neither entry in EE also includes online images. As such, I am stumped on how to cite a record that I found online at It is a recopied parish register that is available to anyone online, has an FHL #, and also has a stable URL. How do I cite this?

Here is the stable URL:

I want to cite the entry for Benjamin, son of Mareen Duvall the Younger and Sarah his wife. I originally cited it as:

Civil War Muster Roll

I have a photocopy of a Civil War Muster Roll which I am not sure where I got so I am having trouble with how to write the source citation. The document looks like a photocopy of a ledger book, with the names of those mustering in to Company A 87th Illinois Volunteers. 

I know that I made this photocopy from the original book, I just don't remember if I did it in Salt Lake City at the library or in Illinois at the state archives. I did it way back in the early 90s when I first started researching and did not write down any source information. 

Civil War Widow's Pension Citation

My question is two-fold...

I am using an affidavit from a Civil War Widow's Pension application packet that confirms the soldier's marriage. The affidavit states that the affidavit is the only evidence of the marriage as the original license and bond were destroyed by fire. My question is do I add that information to the citation?