Citation Issues

Photographs found Online

I found some photographs of the church where my great-grandfather was baptized. The photographer has generously made them available through a Creative Commons license.

I'm struggling to write a citation that covers both photographs and webpages.

Here's what I have so far:

Dixon, David. "Emmanuel Church, The Parish Church of Newton-in-Makerfield." Geograph ( : accessed 20 September 2019).

Daughters Of Utah Pioneers and International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers

How would I cite a history from Daughters of Utah Pioneers museum and a history from International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers using Evidence Explained Revised Third Edition? 

They sent me copies of multiple histories they have on my ancestors that I am citing in my ICAPGen accredidation project. 

Citing the Cover of a Genealogy Quarterly

I am having trouble coming up with an appropriate citation for the cover photograph and its description on the inside cover from a genealogy quarterly. I believe that I should be following the journal article print edition format, but am unsure since there is not necessarily an author or article title.

Danish Parish Registers Online


At the website of the Danish National Archives, digitizations of some parish registers are now available in two versions. I am trying to figure out how to direct readers to the specific online record used by me without including overly long waypoints for every single citation.

Here is an example of a long reference note:

Obtaining extant banking and insurance records

I realize this is slightly off topic, but thought I would go ahead and ask. EE has a whole chapter dedicated to Business & Institutional Records. But I always wondered how a researcher would even begin to get access to private banking or insurance records that are presumably still held by instructions? 

Citing a typeset of a transcription of a translation

This record has gone through a number of iterations all of which could have introduced errors. I want to be sure when I cite the marriage it that it is clear that this is three steps away from the original. I used EE 7.31 Typescripts of Registers as my guide. 

The record can be found on Ancestry here:

The beginning of the "book" can be found here:

Citing Family Search Books

It appears that has a new format for books and I'm curious how to cite them.  I have a particular item that is listed both in the catalog which includes a microfilm number but when I go to the digital format it takes me to the "Books" format and the "ID" number there is different from the microfilm number in the "Catalog" section.  Here are the links to both the digital format in the Book section and the catalog section.  How do I cite the one in the book section?  

Best Practices for Use of Private Address

I'm struggling a bit here on when [private address] and/or [private e-mail] should be used. I am working on embedding citations for my personal family documents before I upload them to my public tree. I want to share these records with other relatives but also want to ensure that the records can be traced back to me as holding the original copies. I think it is important for me to provide this information rather than using the private phrase.

Citing Nominal Rolls on the Library and Archives Canada site.

Dear Editor;

On the Library and Archives Canada (LAC) website, I've found the Nominal Roll containing Private David Murison. Unfortunately; I'm having trouble figuring out how to cite a pdf'd document, which is part of a collection of similar documents. The organization of the LAC site adds so substantially to the confusion that I'm not sure where to start. Just getting to the document is a "labour of love."

So; if you can, I could use a bit of a nudge in the correct direction...

Citing an Index Entry for a Philadelphia Bank Immigrant Passage Record

Dear EE,

I am struggling with the citation for an indexed item at Ancestry, that was indexed together with JewishGen, I think I should have three layers:

  1. Cite what you see
  2. Cite the source of what you see
  3. Cite where your source may have found the information

I came up with this: