Citation Issues

Citing both formal and informal title

I'm sure this is a question with an obvious answer, but maybe I'm more than a little foggy today.

I want to cite a publication that has a proper title, but I also want to include the informal title that almost everyone today knows it by -- primarily because that's what I was searching for when I managed to locate the source, and would very likely be what other researchers would be expecting.

How would I specify both titles?


Image reprint of book

I would like to create a citation for an individual appearing on the book page at:

If one clicks on the title page at the left of the screen, one sees that this book is a creation of Higginson Genealogical Books.  That company, as I understand it, photocopies book pages and binds those pages together, apparently only making one change of adding their information to the title page.

Birth certificate

I have recieved, from my uncle, a digital image of his notification of birth registration. The certificate was issued via the U.S. Dept of Commerce, Bureau of Census. The certificate blank was printed by the U.S. government printing office in the year prior (1936) to my uncle's birth (1937). It states the record of birth is registered and preserved at the State Registrar of vital Statistics in Lincoln, Nebraska. Obviously this is NOT a State issued birth certificate.

Marriage Certificate from Ireland

I just received a marriage certificate from Ireland, which I requested online from the General Record Office, but am a bit at a loss on how to cite the document.  It is a certificate which includes a copy of the original document.  I received a paper copy but a scanned image is attached.

There are basically 2 layers (I think)


Warranty Deed

I have a blank copy of a Warranty Deed (a deed which conveys real estate from the current owner to the new owner upon completion of the property sale), which was provided to me at the closing of a real estate transaction.  The original Warranty Deed was signed by all parties, and then send to the County for recording, but I was given a photocopy of that deed before we all executed it, for my records.  I'm having trouble finding a good way to create a citation for this photocopy of the Warranty Deed that was given directly to me by the Title Company closer.

Marriage Allegation - Diocesan Archives

Been a few months since I last looked in. Been working with standard census citations mostly but now I have a different record for which I have a question.

I have an image (from microfilm) of a "marriage allegation." It is held in the York Diocesan Archive at the Borthwick Institute, York, England. I contacted them for a copy after finding reference via the "Yorkshire, Archbishop of York Marriage Licenses Index, 1613-1839" database at However, it is not really a license but is an allegation.

citing multiple records from an online image database

I'm working with an online image database. I've already created a layered long-form reference note for one particular page from a digitized bound volume--original layer, repository, digital layer--now I need to cite a different page of the same volume. Do I need to create a new long-form reference note every time I cite a new page? Is the answer the same or different for citations of searchable databases vs. a browsable database that requires waypoints?

Citing microfilm at a library

If I am citing a microfilm of a newspaper, which microfilm is held at a library, should I put a semicolon between the microfilm name/box label and the library? Here is my citation. Should there be a semicolon before "Greenfield Public Library"? Note, the original newspapers are not at the library (the library did not know their whereabouts).

A trivial question perhaps but cannot find the specific answer in EE. Thank you.

Commentary included with Endnote


In several endnotes, I would like to include commentaries for example, consider the following:

S. B. Nelson, Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Fayette County Pennsylvania, (Uniontown, PA: S. B. Nelson Publisher, 1900), digital version from print, page 358. Google Books. ( : May 2011).

A public record, such as a license, for the ferry was not found, but it is left to his son in the will in 1793.