Citation Issues

Citing Source of Microfilmed Church Register Book

Hi all!

I asked about two years ago of proper citing Church Register Book which was transfered to Local Archives in Western Serbia and then microfilmed at Serbian National Archives in Belgrade. Microfilm arrived back in Local Archives where they made digital images of those microfilmed Books. Those images are stored on DVD-ROM's and in that way are easily reaachable for researchers inside Archives. 

EE Editor made clear to me, and hope all with similar issue, that I should use this citatio as my first Reference Note,

Book Editions - When to Cite

I have a question about citing a chapter in EE. We were provided images of the first page of the chapter, the title page (listing copyright date of 2007), and the table of contents page. I know we are supposed to cite what we see. The title page does not say anything about being the second edition. Since I own all of the editions I know that this was the second edition, as it is stated on the cover. Should the edition be included in the footnote or not? I included it, but I'm in the minority.


How to Cite Census Record from Email Attachment

I recently received an email containing a photocopy of a South Carolina census record that was found in a manuscript housed at a local archive. I'm not sure if I should use the EE citation method for e-mails, use the manuscript it was found in, or both? 

Can someone please clarify? 

Thank you. 


Newspaper Name?

I'm scratching my head whether to cite the name of a newspaper as printed on its masthead, or use the name listed in the publishing information in the newspaper.

I used the name of the newspaper as listed in its publishing information (Section A, Page 2-A, column 1) to create this citation:

"Antiques," Omaha (Nebraska) World-Herald, 30 Sep 1973, Metropolitan Edition, section D (pt. 1), page 3, column 6, auction sale, Alden A. Zastera and Roma Zastera; image copy, GenealogyBank ( : viewed 20 Feb 2015).

Source Archive Changed Layout


I have a lineage that contains about 150 persons traced back into Denmark. I also have hundreds of documents pertaining to these persons that support the lineage (birth, baptisms, confirmations, marriages, deaths, censuses, etc.).

Now, the archives (Danish National Archives) has completely changed the way their data is located and the opslag (web page numbers) are all different; the links (apart from the base page address) are all different; as is the navigation to the source pages.

Creating Reference Note for Records from the London Gazette

Dear EE,

I am trying to use your "Newsletters (Online Images)" template (Evidence Explained, Kindle ed., p. 806) to create a citation and reference note for information retrieved from an online image of a London Gazette issue.

The London Gazatte is England's oldest official newspaper or government journal of record, publishing offical notices, military commissions, officer promotions and State or Royal honours and awards, etc.

Creating Reference Note for Records from the London Gazette

Dear EE,

I am trying to use your "Newsletters (Online Images)" template (Evidence Explained, Kindle ed., p. 806) to create a citation and reference note for information retrieved from an online image of a London Gazette issue.

The London Gazatte is England's oldest official newspaper or government journal of record, publishing offical notices, military commissions, officer promotions and State or Royal honours and awards, etc.


Mexican War pension documents

I am having a difficult time crafting a citation because I don't know what to call this document that is from FamilySearch's United States Mexican War Pension Index, 1887-1926:

I would appreciate your informing me what document it is.

Pension File digital image received from NARA

As in the CMSR record I recently ordered and received, I just received a Civil War pension file from NARA. Again there is NO citation information. Wihtout it, it's more difficult to create a citation than with the CMSR. I cannot find the record group # on the NARA web site. Am still looking. Would I treat it like the CMSR file we discussed a few weeks ago?

Virtual Exhibit


The Library and Archives of Canada online has several archived virtual exhibits. My first attempt at this citation is:

Canada ( Ottawa, Canada), “I Do: Love and Marriage in 19th Century Canada,” 26 June 2008, archives virtual exhibit, Library and Archives of Canada ( : accessed 15 June 2013), unpaginated, “ Weddings: A Community Affair.”