Good morning,
I deal mainly with Jewish Genealogy and so I have some issues with specific data sources.
My current questions relates to pages of testimony (for example:
Pages of Testimony are submitted by Holocaus survivors, remaining family and friends, in commemoration of Jews murdered during the Holocaust.
1) How should I cite the various pages of testimony (there may be more then one per individual and they may have conflicting information) in my report?
2) How should I define them in GEDCOM?
Thank you,
Yad Vashem's online Pages of Testimony are covered at EE 9.53, pp. 479-480. One of the examples there is this:
2. Eugenia Halbreich (Sperber), contributor, “Page of Testimony” and photograph for Henryk Sperber, b. 1921, Cracow, Poland; images, Yad Vashem, The Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names ( : accessed 1 April 2015).
Do you have a peculiar situation that won't fit this pattern?
Re GEDcom, it would be better to post that question in a GEDcom forum. EE focuses on records and their use. We don't offer advice on specific software.