Need some guidance with this. The only way to navigate to this record as far as I can tell is to search the catalog for New Hampshire then go to Divorce > Index of Divorces and Annulments Prior to 1938. The target is deceiving because its not quite an index, but rather loose documents of divorce and annulment records. The target says the index goes up to 1900, when in fact it goes up to 1938. The catalog discription seems more fitting. I think I have all the pieces, but am unsure it put the citation together correctly. I'd appreciate your feedback.
New Hampshire, Registrar of Vital Statistics, Divorces and Annulments Prior to 1938, Index to divorces - Jewell to Morin, C. Lawrence McCarthy and Viola McCarthy divorce, 20 October 1922; digital images, FamilySearch ( viewed 12 August 2020) images 3049-3050 of 5018 from FHL Film 1001327.
Hendrickson, You’ve…
You’ve captured most essentials, but a few things need rearranging for clarity. For the benefit of our readers, let’s go back to the “thinking about what we dealing with” stage—not just the FamilySearch access issue—and walk through the data.
Considering these points (and using separate colors for each layer for instructive purposes), EE would rearrange the citation this way:
1. New Hampshire, Registrar of Vital Statistics, Index to divorces and annulments, Box 398, cards for C. Lawrence McCarthy and Viola McCarthy divorce, 20 October 1922; digital images, "Index to Divorces and Annulments Prior to 1938," FamilySearch ( : viewed 12 August 2020) > Film 1001327, Index to divorces–Jewell to Morin > images 3049–50 of 5018.
Also note:
Thanks for this. Your…