Citing "Dovre – 75 Years" - Church history & Transcribed records

I've a somewhat unusual document that I need to reference. It is a church history that also contains transcripts of the church record books. The document was published by the church on its 75th anniversary. The pages are typed, are not numbered and are bound in a "duotang" cover. However; it does contain the needed information pertaining to the author.

I'm wondering if the following approach is reasonable:

Source List Enry: Ulrich, Garth, compiler. "Dovre – 75 Years". Unpaginated typescript, 1989. Garth Ulrich (<email address>), <mailing address>. A History of Dovre Lutheran Church, Spalding, SK, on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the congregation, including baptism, confirmation, wedding and funeral records. Also includes similar for the now defunct Lutheran congregations in the Spalding district; Bigstone, Bethany, Good Hope and Vor Frelser's (Our Saviour's).

First Reference Note: Garth Ulrich, compiler, "Dovre [Lutheran Church] – 75 Years" (unpaginated typescript, 1989, Garth Ulrich (<email address>), <mailing address>), sheet 41 recto, "Bigstone Marriages", Christ Amundson & Clara Hoffas (married 1 April 1912).

Subsequent Reference Note: Ulrich, "Dovre – 75 Years.", sht. 41r, "Bigstone Marriages", Christ Amundson & Clara Hoffas (married 1 April 1912).

I've used "<...>" to indicate items that have been redacted, in this citation, for privacy reasons.

Thank you. It required melding several "rules" from the EE book, so I just wasn't sure about the result.

Just one thing that still bothers me...
Should I (and could I) have avoided nesting the parentheses, while following the EE book guidance?

I misunderstood you. I thought you were referencing an EE example. As mentioned earlier. Evidence Style citations always try to avoid parens within parens. For your example above, addresses of manuscript or book authors/publishers are not part of a standard citation to a manuscript or book in any citation style. Evidence Style would create a basic, unconfusing citation, and then add a sentence (a discursive note) to record contact information for the author.