Citing Munkács, Hungary (now Mukachevo, Ukraine) Records

Oof! I've been struggling with this one. I have a client project that has led to Jewish records from Munkács, Bereg, Hungary (later part of Czechoslovakia and now part of Ukraine) that have been digitized and placed online. My first challenge was figuring out how to copy and paste the Ukrainian text into Word to begin the process of creating citations. I would like EE's input on anything I should add to these citations.

This is a direct link to one of the record books:ДАЗО_Ф._1606%2C_оп._16%2C_спр._69._1871-1880_роки._Метрична_книга_євреїв_Мукачево._Народження.pdf.

For layer 1, I did not include the newer (white) pages that were inserted. I used information gleaned from the original, aged book--at least as best I could.

Layer 1: Munkács, Bereg District, Kárpátalja Province, Hungary, Kercsztségi anyakönyv (Christian Register) a Munkasci Israealita, 1871-1880, p. 5, no. 75 79, Mihaly Fogel, szüleb tésnek (born)  15 May 1871, meghalt (died) 12 March 1874;

Layer 2 (URL to website): imaged, Вікіджерела (Wikisource) (Архів:Єврейське_містечко/Закарпаття: accessed September 2023) > Архіви (Archives) > Генеалогічні проєкти, Проєкт «Єврейське містечко (Genealogical projects, “Jewish town” project) > Закарпаття (Transcarpathia) > Метрична книга євреїв Мукачево (Metric book of Mukachevo Jews), 1871–1880, Народження (Birth) > image 13 of 204;

Layer 3 (source of the source): citing ДАЗкО (DAZkO), Ф (Fund) 1606, Оп. (Opus) 16, Delo (Reference) 69.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you, Kristina

Submitted byEEon Tue, 08/29/2023 - 19:07

Kristina, I'm not able to read the language to ensure that there are no hidden problems, but your format appears logical and thorough.