Citation Issues

Citing an online Book that is digitised text

How would one cite a book, that is not really a book, but is the full text of a book - that has been digitised and made available online. I am revisiting and revising some of my earlier citations.

I am referring to content on the British History Online (BHO) website, specifically for:

They do offer this for citation (Chicago):

Differentiating original parish registers from bishop's transcriptions in foots

Good evening,

I’m a quandary as to how to incorporate new information that I found into existing citations and would appreciate input. This could well be a case of me not seeing the forest for the trees so please bear with me. I apologize for the length of the post!

Source label for a record with multiple letters on it

Danish authorities used to send letters back and forth between them, each authority adding a letter or note to the same piece of paper, and thus creating a record with multiple letters on it. In some ways this kind of correspondence resembles today's group chats at Messenger. The piece of paper is one record, but it has multiple letters/notes on it and three authorities were involved.

Other elements to consider are:

Use of EE citation conventions outside of genealogy

I appreciate that EvidenceExplained (EE) is much more than a bunch of recipe citations, but my question is about the conventions used in its citation style.

I like the way that EE treats online publications on an equal footing with traditional publications; it's much more logical than the Chicago manual of style conventions.

Citing county government publications

I'm working with county-level voter registration records in California, 1866-1872. Before an election, the County Clerk had at least 10 copies of the County's "Great Register" printed. These were distributed to the County's election officials. The early versions of these printed copies were booklets with a title cover without publication information. Later they were submitted as print jobs to local printers, who added their names, publication dates, and places. Sometimes the cover will carry the statement, "Published by Authority."

citing a text message

I recently had a chat with a family member who wanted me to find out the birthdate of an aunt of hers gave me background information in a text message and I wasn't quite sure how to cite it. I based the citation below on EE 3.42 similarly to an instant message. Does this seem correct or do you have suggestion on how to improve it?

EE editions

I’m returning to my research after an absence and realized that EE has been updated a couple times since I was active.  Before I purchase an updated edition, are there any plan to release a new edition in the near future?

