Original records

Is a Database a Source?
Is a database a source? Of course, of course! As researchers, we can use anything as a source. The issue is whether its information is reliable. Before we can reach a decision about the accuracy of any single source ...
EE Tue, 11/13/2018 - 20:32
Chasing Abstracts to the Originals
Yesterday’s QuickTest presented a page from a published source, with a helpful abstract of a document. We used the abstract to locate the original, then presented you with a typescript of the full document—inviting you to compare the two and tell us whether-and-why the effort was or was not worth it. ...
EE Tue, 11/13/2018 - 19:17
Applying the Evidence Analysis Map to DNA—Part 1: Sources

Inquiring minds have asked, “About DNA and the GPS: How is DNA related as to source, information, and evidence with regard to the match and the most recent common ancestor?"

Yesterday, we tackled the first issue: separating two different tools that are often mentally merged:

EE Mon, 11/12/2018 - 17:32