Giving Credit

23 August 2014 Amazon reviews of a certain book on research methodology contain a cross-fire between the author and someone who claims the author plagiarized his work. The author's defense might be summed up this way ...

Proof Arguments

12 August 2014 Proof is not a document. It’s a body of evidence. As biographers or historians of whatever ilk, we do not ‘prove’ a point by discovering a record that asserts something. That assertion could be wrong. If so, any further work we do on the basis of that misinformation will likely be wrong or irrelevant. Not even ...
It's Not Just about Giving Credit Where Due
18 August 2014 It happens so often. A researcher cites a census—typically accessed online, these days—but does not cite the online provider. Does it matter?
EE Mon, 08/04/2014 - 13:38