Clues from a Processioning List: Part Three

Our past two postings have focused on a critical skill for researchers: Taking research notes that do not simply “extract facts” but also allow us to study the context of those facts. Yesterday, we challenged you to study a research note detailing the 1755 processioning of lands in Augusta Parish, Augusta County, Virginia. Focusing on the long and boring list of names, we asked: What clues ...

Clues from a Processioning List

This week's "Tuesday’s Test" presented a published version of a 1755 vestry minute from Augusta Parish, Virginia. The minute represented a list of lands processioned according to colonial law. That test presented two versions. ... EE asked which version you would create in your own research notes—and asked for the reason why. The point was this: ...
Seeking Peer Review?
EE user Ann C. Gilchrest is a researcher who understands the value of having one’s work critically dissected by outside eyes. Specifically by someone who is both skilled and frank, as opposed to friends who read lightly and praise us supportively.
EE Mon, 11/19/2018 - 13:05
Inquiring minds have asked: "How does EE differ from CMOS?"
EE Tue, 11/13/2018 - 19:36