Citation Issues

Citing email with state archivist

I've ordered your book but haven't yet received it, so I'm just being impatient :-)

I emailed the state archives with a question about an entry on a 1785 property tax list.

I think I can figure out the citation, but I'm leery of including the (official) email address of the person who responded to my query since these are not published on the archives site and queries are submitted via a webform.




Cite the document or the census

I have created a document based on one of your posts from Facebook: Analyzing Census Data—Part 3: Context Matters!  The document is rather long and covers 4 cencus years (Federal Population Census found on for a particular family and I cite each census with the document (even for those that have the same surname for which I extracted information).  In that document I created a summary of all the information gathered and would now like to share the summary.  Should I cite the document or try to cite the census?

Newspapers - Multiple editions on same date


I am trying to put together a citation for a death notice found in an online newspaper archive, specifically for The Milwaukee Journal published 20 October 1947. It can be found at:

My citation starts out to be very straightforward (using EE 14.22 – Newspapers (Online Images)):

Source List Entry:

Where NOT to break a line in citation output?

I am in the process of setting up some fairly sophisticated templates for generating formatted citations in a source centric software application. I am planning on incorporating non-breaking spaces and hyphens at the template level. I have my own opinion, but would be very interested in the opinions of others as to where line breaks would be inappropriate in a sample source listing and citation such as:

New York. New York County. 1850 U.S. census, population schedule. Digital images. : 2013.


I want to cite information from a live webinar. Modeling my citation after EE's QuickCheck Model for Broadcasts & Web Miscellanea, Podcasts (p. 789 of the digital edition), I come up with the following for a first reference note:

Kathy Meade, "Learn How to Trace Your Swedish Roots," 9 January 2014, live webinar, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania.

This seems rather thin, but I'm at a loss as to what other information I can provide. Not being a member of the society, I do not know whether they have archived the webinar in their members-only section.

Where to place search terms in first reference note?

I'm trying to construct a citation for one page of a two-page entry (somewhat equivalent to a very short chapter) in a book that was published as an eBook shortly after its publication as a hardback. I used the eBook, not the hardback, in my research. As best as I can tell, the eBook is an image copy of the print edition (which offers a "Look Inside" at .)