Citation Issues

Website with one huge database

In the Netherlands, we've got a national website, Genlias, that provides an index of civil registration records (births, marriages and deaths). The website is created by a consortium of provincial archives. As a user, you only see one search form and results are displayed regardless of which archive or which source contributed the index entry. In other words: the website acts as a single database. 

City directory as online images ?

I have recently discovered some of my ancestors in old city directories!


One was in the 1890 Chicago directory, which I found on microfilm at the Library (not online).  It seemed easy to build that citation following 12.55 (though I now realize I should've copied more information off the BOX the film was in).


Now I am looking at the 1907 and 1908 Detroit directories.  More specifically, I found two images on Ancestry for one of my ancestors in each of those two years. Mortality Schedules

At, federal census images of the mortality schedules are in the database "U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules, 1850–1885." Would my citation use the database or do I cite a mortality schedule relatively the same as a population schedule?

In EE 6.33–6.35, "'Nonpopulation' Schedules," there is no example for citing an online image; but, I feel as though my citation should be akin to typical population schedules.

Here are my two possibilities:

Land patent files and cert. of naturalization - citation ?

Just recently I received a PDF file of land patent documents for my great great grandfather from 1885 that were copied from the NARA. In the file was a certificate of naturalization. He came over from Ireland. In addition to the PDF file, I was also given a citation for the packet. I was going to ask if I could use the citation for the land patent files also for the naturalization certificate, but I am thinking that I couldn't use it 2x. Or can I?

Citing sacramental record certificates issued by an archdiocese archives

I have sacramental records issued by a church, and I also have certificates issued by the archdiocese's archives, which now hold the church's older registers.

When citing these certificates, do we need to differentiate between certificates issued by the church vs. the archdiocese?  And if we do, is there a preferred method?  I did see the information re: how to cite copies from registers held in an archive, but I did not see similar information re: certificates.

Thank you!


Source entries and citations for the Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans series

I have many citations for the Sacramental Records of the Roman Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  There are 19 volumes, each with a subtitle in this fashion: Volume 11, 1813-1815.

The first seven volumes have Earl C. Woods as editor, and Charles E. Nolan as associate editor.  The remaining volumes have Charles E. Nolan as editor, Dorenda Dupont as associate editor, and J. Edgar Bruns as translator.

Parish-level Certificate of Marriage from the Louisiana Department of Health

Hi everyone.  I have my parents' certificate of marriage, on a pre-printed form, and it is the copy that says it is for the bride and groom.  (An example of the layout has been uploaded, minus the personal details of the original.)

At the top left it says, "Louisiana State Department of Health", and right beneath that it says "Bureau of Vital Statistics".

The top right corner has "License No. ______" but there is no number filled in the blank.

Beneath that in larger font is "Certificate of Marriage".